Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Year of the Gremlins

But first ..... I have been asked many times about how Sydney travels. I usually answer "fine". But they say a picture is worth a thousand words.... so.....This was taken as we traveled I-10 from Arizona to Texas.

Here's another photo of our travel through Texas

Now... the reason we traveled from Arizona to Texas. This year we have had one thing after another go wrong. We feel like a gremlin has hopped on board and is traveling with us. When we reached Texas, our satilite dish would not hone in on a signal. We tried for 2 days.... John called a local RV dealer to try to get it fixed but they couldn't see us for 2 weeks. Since we needed to get to Corpus Christie in 3 days, John decided to purchase a portable satelite dish. We spent $200.00 for a used one from a fellow TT member. This combined with the universal joints, the door lock, the bin strut, the generator, and the water pump to name a few....... were all unexpected expenses we have had this year. Next year we will need to purchase 6 new tires, and they are expensive.
SO..... we decided to go to work in the oil fields in Texas for a few months. We have several friends who are doing this. They work as Gate Guards and their responsibility is to log vehicles in and out of the site. We had to be licensed, which meant being finger printed and have an FBI check. We are now parked in the "Yard" waiting for an assignment. Our friends Millie and Ray are here with us so the wait is not boring. Here are a few photos.

We expect to receive an assignment within a week. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Donna K said...

Sydney looks like he is certainly enjoying the ride. Good luck with your new job. Will be interesting to see what you do and how you like it.