Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Carolina Bound

We just arrived at our Coast to Coast home port of Sycamore Lodge in Jackson Springs NC. We will be staying here for 2 weeks. By this time we should know what changes in "stuff placement" need to be made. In other words, it's time to make the RV "homey". We have put off doing that until we knew how to work everything, what the experts do and what ensures safety. We discovered we are a little over weight in the rear. I heard that comment. We need to do some "stuff rearranging" to even out the weight distribution. I have the need to personalize it a bit. That scares John.... cause it usually means spending money.
You never know just where you may meet your new best friends. We stopped at the North Carolina welcome center coming from Tennessee. John initiated a conversation with a gentleman walking a beautiful sheltie dog. Fifteen minutes later we are making arragements to stay at the same WalMart parking lot for the night as we were both heading in the same direction.  
That's how, Wayne, Elaine and Shelly (the Shelty) came into our lives. We spent that evening talking and sharing. We shopped togeather, exchanged emails and phone numbers. They are headed back to Ohio, they're home. We tried to convince Wayne to retire, after all he is 70. We will be keeping in touch and hopefully meet up with them again.... on the road.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And John was worried about not meeting people and getting enough socializing...hmm, what about that!