Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fun in the Sun with Ray's Strays

We have been so busy having fun I haven't had time to post much.... but let me see if I can do this as briefly as I can and still tell you everything. First of all, here we are parked in the desert.

Here are members of our group....
This is Mike and Sherri and their new puppy Jackson. Jackson is pure pup and Sydney will have nothing to do with him.... too much energy for the old boy.

This is Ray and Millie, originally from Massachusetts but full timers now.
And these are the newbies for this year Rick and Joann. This is their first time in Quartzsite.
We had another couple that we had met in Orlando, Shari and Joe join us for a few days but they ended up buying a new RV and leaving for California before I got their photo.

Some of the activities we've done so far are....
 Harassing the dealers... where we look at all the RV's for sale. We found a modified bus for our friends Wendy and John. The sign says the owners will trade for a house... now that's a deal. The bus, when new, was probably worth 3/4 to a million dollars.

We visited all the Flea Markets, Swap Meets and the Gem and Mineral Shows. There are at least 10 different areas filled with vendors.
The RV show started Saturday and we have been in the big tent twice and plan on returning this coming Saturday (the day before it ends) to check out price reductions. There is everything and anything you may want for your RV.
We went to Silly Al's for pizza.... a tradition for us.
And of course..... 4 wheeling. Here we are off roading enjoying the desert.

Here is John taking this picture... he climbed up on some rocks and got a pant leg full of cactus needles for his trouble.

Some of the desert road we drove....  you can't see the dipsy doodles but believe me they are there

Stop for a potty break.

You can't help but want to go and enjoy the day when it starts like this every day!

I forgot to explain..... all over the area, groups gather annually. They erect signs and symbols to let other members know where they are. We decided this year that we needed a "Title" for our little rag tag group........ Ray's Strays is winning so far. Any other ideas?

Trip to the Q

Just a short note about our trip to Quartzsite AZ.... On Thursday we got ready to leave Medina Lake Texas, which means we put breakables away, secured others, washed the front windows and various other tasks we routinely perform. Friday morning we put in the slides, pulled up the jacks and moved to a level open space to hook up the jeep. After checking lights and tow bar extension, I entered the RV and to my surprise, imprinted on the front window was the outline of a bird. I asked John if he heard one hit the windshield when he moved the RV, but he said no. We decided that our trip would be guarded by the Holy Ghost. All the way to Arizona we did not wash the window. What do you think..... would you have washed it away?

Well it worked! As we were traveling down the road I remembered that I didn't check to make sure the steps retracted all the way. Not thinking, I opened the door window and stuck my head out to look. Say goodbye to my glasses.... blew right off my face. I yelled and John pulled over to the side of the road. Now a 39 foot motor home does not stop on a dime... so there was quite a distance from where the glasses went flying and where we stopped. We walked back and found them unharmed on the shoulder of the road. We made it to Quartzsite in 3 days with no other problems.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Rude Lunch Guest

Our first week and a half  at Medina Lake was quite cool but the following weeks warmed up to a comfortable 68 to 72 degrees during the day. One afternoon I decided to have my lunch outside. I wanted to get my ration of sunshine for the day. John had a late & LARGE breakfast so he didn't want lunch. I made myself a wonderful salad and sat in a chair outside. Before I had the opportunity to eat more than 3 bites...... uninvited company arrived. The lady was interested in checking out my lunch.

I was polite and willing to tolerate her curiosity, but when she decided to invite herself to partake of some of it...  I put my foot down.... "No, I said"...."Go away"

Lo and behold... I couldn't believe what she did. Talk about being a rude guest....

I bet she doesn't get invited to many affairs around here.

Last day at the preserve..... tomorrow we're off to Quartzsite. We figure it will take 3 to 4 days to get there, depending on how quickly John gets tired and how the coach does with the Tums we fed it.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year !!

We welcomed 2012 in at the activity center here at Medina Lake, Texas. There were about a hundred people.... all ages. The youngest was a 14 day old baby.... the oldest .... probably wouldn't tell you.
The band was different from last year and they performed a lot of songs they wrote.... which nobody knew. But we danced and toasted the new year with Melba and Lonnie from Washington State. Wine and cheese, good company, music and black-eyed beans and cornbread at midnight.... who would ask for more.
To all our friends and family, we wish you health, happiness and safety in the new year 2012.