Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas at the Lake

I just realized that I went on about the Lake here at Medina having water this year but never included any pictures. Here are just a few. They don't give you a proper perspective of it's size. Let me say that the dam on the river that creates this lake is 18 miles southeast of this park. The lake is not round or even oval in shape. It has many inlets and fingers and runs about 28 miles in length.

We had Christmas dinner with about 75 other RVer's at the activity center. There was plenty of good things to eat and the company was very enjoyable. Here are a few candid shots.

Christmas evening we had a gift exchange. About 35 people participated. We did a "White Elephant" game. Everyone had a number and when it was called you choose a wrapped gift from the table. After opening and displaying it to all, you placed it on the floor in front of you, Anyone whose number was called after number 1, had the opportunity to take a gift from the table OR steal a gift that someone else had opened. If your gift was stolen then you went back to the table and got another one. The bottles of wine and gourmet coffee gifts went around a lot. Here is part of the gift circle.

Today John and I took a ride over to Bandera, the cowboy capital of Texas, and did the sightseeing thing. There are many dude ranches around here as well as regular working ranches. I learned about a horse rescue ranch nearby, so I'm hoping to get there before we leave. The price of admission is a bag of carrots or apples. We had to stop at the feed store on our way back to pick up some more corn for the deer....  they are hungry critters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can not wait to see the lake with water! Great pic's.