Monday, May 9, 2011

Where the deer and antelope play... Bryce Canyon Critters

A bit late, but I wanted to share with you some of the critters we encountered while staying at Bryce Canyon.You know me and critters....I should have been a wildlife ranger or something like that.
First we have the birds... This is a Stellar Jay. Cousin to the eastern Blue Jay but his head is black and his head feathers are more pronounced. They don't stay still very long so this pic is not very good.

Next is a cousin to the Junco. It has slightly different coloring. More of a blue-gray color with bronze on his shoulders.

On the larger side are the antelope. They are very elusive and don't come near people but I was able to get a few glimpses through the trees.

The deer here are "Mule Deer". Their fur is longer and their ears are bigger. Here are two young ones who were standing next to the road with their mother.

And now my favorite...Prairie Dogs. There is a field within the park where their is a colony of Utah Prairie Dogs. Cars park along the sides of the field and watch the antics of these cute fellows. This one came right up to within several feet of our Jeep.

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